Clients range from farmers, trying to get a better understanding of how they can best meet their water needs, to large organisations working through the water resource consent process. Raineffects is a preferred supplier to the Dunedin City Council and Anderson Lloyd Caudwell Lawyers.

Dunedin City Council

  • Analyses of water resources availability in water supply catchments
  • Impact assessments on stream flows from water supply activities
  • Impact on natural drainage patterns from road construction
  • Review of regional water plans to assess impact of policies and rules on water supplies
  • Development of depth-duration-frequency method for storm water design
  • Preparation of applications and evidence for water permit renewals

Oceana Gold (formerly Macraes Mining Company Limited)

  • Assessment of potential water supplies for gold mining activities
  • Impact assessments on local weather, climate, and stream and river flows resulting from gold mining activities
  • Preparation of evidence for hearings

Department of Conservation Canterbury Conservancy

  • Hydrology reviews and preparation of evidence for Rangitata Water Conservation Order
  • Water permit applications for Rangitata River supplied irrigation schemes
  • Water allocation plans and water quantity sections of regional water plans
  • Flow analyses and minimum flow recommendations in small streams
  • Review of hydrology/water resources reports accompanying water permit applications.

Pioneer Generation

  • Analyses of flow records in measured catchments and derivation
  • Analysis of flow records in unmeasured catchments to assess water availability for power generation.

Ministry for the Environment on behalf of New Zealand Government

  • Analysis of Waitaki River and tributary flows and likely impacts of proposed minimum flows on irrigation
  • Comparisons of modified flow patterns to natural flow patterns
  • Preparation of evidence for hearing

Other Clients

Ngai Tahu. Review of hydrological and water resources reports for major water consent applications in the Clutha and Waitaki catchments.

North Otago Downlands Water Company. Preparation and lodging of applications and assessment of environmental effects (AEE) and preparation of hearing evidence for the North Otago Downlands Irrigation scheme.

Southern Alpine Recreation Ltd. Water resource analysis of high mountain streams for more water usage in snowmaking.

TrustPower Limited. Analysis of low flows in Deep Stream and recommendations for future water permits: analysis of Lake Mahinerangi flood inflows